National Crime Victims’ Rights Week: LASP serves victims of domestic violence
(April 21, 2024)
LASP's VOCA team works to give clients voices in the legal system
LASP has attorneys and paralegals whose work is solely devoted to assisting victims of domestic violence in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. See and
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is April 21-27, 2024.
Crime & victimization know no bounds. Anyone can be a victim. Everyone deserves help & to be heard.
Legal Aid of Southeastern PA (LASP)'s VOCA team serves Bucks, Chester, Delaware & Montgomery counties. Advocates give our clients voices in the legal system.
We empower victims to feel comfortable enough to share their stories and get the legal help they desperately need.
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Did you know? LASP’s VOCA team includes attorneys and paralegals whose work is solely devoted to assisting victims of domestic violence.
From July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023, LASP obtained 689 Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders, increasing the safety for more than 1,600 adults and children in the four counties. Many of the PFA orders obtained also include orders evicting abusers and/or awards of child custody.
In addition to help with PFAs, LASP provides free civil legal aid in child custody matters, landlord-tenant issues, public benefits, expungements and more.
If you are a victim of domestic violence who needs help in a civil legal matter, contact our offices below or visit or
Bucks County - 215-340-1818
Chester County - 610-436-4510
Delaware County - 855-879-3100
Montgomery County - 855-980-6924
LASP Delco VOCA snapshot ~ 2023
872.9 hours of casework spent on domestic violence issues
257 court appearances
213 cases handled for 180 unique clients
LASP 4-county VOCA snapshot ~ 2022-23
LASP helped clients obtain 689 Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders, increasing the safety for more than 1,600 adults & children in Bucks, Chester, Delaware & Montgomery counties.
A short history of VOCA
MEDIA - National Crime Victims’ Rights Week was recognized April 25, 2024 at an event in front of the Delaware County Courthouse in Media. LASP's Delco VOCA attorneys Carly Wells and Kimberly Hollenback joined other organizations to share info & resources. LASP helps victims of domestic violence in Bucks, Chester, Delaware & Montgomery counties.
2024 marks the 40th anniversary of the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). This act was passed by Congress and signed into law on Oct. 12, 1984. VOCA established the Crime Victims Fund (CVF), a Federal Victim Notification System, discretionary grants for victim service organizations, victim assistance positions in the Dept. of Justice, financial support for the Children’s Justice Act Program, and assistance and compensation for victims and survivors of terrorism.
In 1988, the law was amended establishing the federal Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) as the administrator of the CVF. The CVF consists of deposits from federal criminal fines, forfeited bail bonds, penalties, and special assessments collected by U.S. Attorneys' Offices, federal courts, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act was signed into law in 2021, mandating that monetary penalties from federal deferred and non-prosecution agreements also be added to the CVF rather than the General Treasury. Crucially, the CVF does not use taxpayer dollars. Since 2007, more than $31 billion has been deposited into the CVF.
Because of VOCA and CVF, OVC is able to support thousands of programs annually with millions of dollars invested in services provided directly to crime victims who have suffered physical, emotional, and financial harm from victimization.
LASP first received VOCA funding Oct. 1, 2016. Our VOCA team helps people obtain Protection from Abuse (PFA) orders and address other legal issues related to domestic violence in Bucks, Chester, Delaware & Montgomery counties.
Further reading:
Delaware County commemorates National Crime Victims’ Rights Week: Offers thanks to organizations who help the victimized | by Alex Rose | Delaware County Daily Times | April 25, 2024 |
MEDIA - During National Crime Victims' Rights Week April 21-27, 2024, the Delaware County District Attorney's Office has a table in the Delco Courthouse in Media. Stop by for information from LASP's Delco VOCA team, based in our Media Office, and other resources to get help!
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