Regional Housing Unit
LASP is helping people in Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties who face the threat of eviction, mortgage foreclosure, and/or other housing problems.
Renters in Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties can contact the LASP Helpline at 877-429-5994 Monday-Friday, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The sooner you contact LASP, the more prepared your case will be for the hearing date.
Important news related to housing (articles + links at
PAHAF applications reopen March 18, 2024 to help homeowners impacted by COVID-19 (Updated March 12, 2024)
Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program through the Pennsylvania Dept. of Revenue: Apply by June 30, 2024 (Updated March 4, 2024)
Legal Aid of Southeastern PA helps renters prevent eviction, homeowners avoid mortgage foreclosure, and more:
Habitability (needs repairs in order to be safe to live in)
Public or subsidized housing
Mortgage foreclosure
Section 8 housing
Reverse mortgages
Tangled title
How to access LASP's free legal services:
To apply for legal aid, call LASP's Helpline at 877-429-5994, or apply online 24/7 at
LASP offices are currently closed to the public due to COVID-19.
All LASP attorneys and staff are working. When working remotely, they are checking voicemail during regular business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
To learn about LASP services in other areas of civil legal aid, please visit
Are you behind on your rent and/or utilities? Apply now for help!
Pennsylvania Emergency Rent [and Utility] Assistance Program (ERAP)
PA's Dept. of Human Services (DHS) website for the Emergency Rent [and Utility] Assistance Program (ERAP) is now open for applications. Tenants can apply through COMPASS or their county offices. See below for contacts in the counties LASP serves, or visit the statewide list. Paper applications are available in 7 languages. Apply online through COMPASS, or use the paper application, available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Cambodian, Russian, and Vietnamese.
Rent and Utility Assistance updates for Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties
LASP provides updates on rent and utility assistance programs in Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties.
See the article on our News page: (updated May 25, 2023). You will find flyers and links to resources in your county. LASP recommends applying for help from these programs as soon as possible.
What to do if you are being evicted
Information in English and Spanish:
Appealing landlord-tenant judgments in Bucks County
GET THE FORM! This one-page PDF is called, "Tenant's Supersedeas Affidavit (Non-Section 8) Filed Pursuant to Pa.R.C.P.M.D.J. No. 1008C(2)". The form is from the Court of Common Pleas.
How to File an Appeal to stop an eviction in Chester County
If you are a tenant and want to appeal an eviction judgement and remain in your home, you must do so within 10 days of the Magisterial District Court Judge’s decision. 10 days includes weekends and holidays. Appeals can be filed in person at the Office of the Prothonotary at 201 W. Market Street, Suite 1425, West Chester, PA 19380.
LASP’s Regional Housing Unit developed a “Pro Se Eviction Packet” to help you file your own appeal to stop an eviction in Chester County. Download the 15-page packet here:
How to File a Landlord and Tenant Appeal to Stop an Eviction in Delaware County, PA
If you are a tenant and want to appeal an eviction judgment and remain in your home, you must do so within 10 days of the Magisterial District Court Judge’s decision. 10 days includes weekends and holidays. All appeals must be filed in person at the Office of Judicial Support (OJS) located in the courthouse in Media at 201 W. Front St, Media, PA 19063.
LASP’s Regional Housing Unit has developed a “Pro Se Eviction Packet” to help you file your own appeal to stop an eviction in Delaware County. Download the 13-page packet here.
How to File an Appeal to stop an eviction in Montgomery County
If you are a tenant and want to appeal an eviction judgment and remain in your home, you must do so within 10 days of the Magisterial District Court Judge’s decision. 10 days includes weekends and holidays. All appeals must be filed in person at the Prothonotary’s Office, located in the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas at 2 E. Airy St., Suite 1, Norristown, PA 19401.
A LASP Staff Attorney specializing in landlord-tenant law and based in Montgomery County developed a “Pro Se Eviction Packet” to help you file your own appeal to stop an eviction in Montgomery County. Download the 13-page packet here.
What is an illegal eviction?
(Effective June 1, 2020) A landlord or mortgage company may only remove a tenant or home owner by court order.
“Self-help evictions” are illegal in Pennsylvania.
Examples of an illegal eviction are:
when the landlord changes the locks without a court order,
when the landlord turns the tenant’s utilities off,
when the landlord throws out the tenant’s possessions, or
when a landlord removes windows or doors to the property.
Reopening March 18, 2024: Pennsylvania homeowner assistance fund
PAHAF applications reopen March 18, 2024 to help homeowners impacted by COVID-19
(Updated March 12, 2024)
Pennsylvania Homeowners Assistance Fund (PAHAF) applications reopen on March 18, 2024.
Applications reopen Monday, March 18, 2024 for the Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund (PAHAF)! Funds are limited!
PAHAF funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible new applicants until the funds are spent. APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
PAHAF helps homeowners struggling due to COVID-19 financial hardships. The financial assistance is available to eligible homeowners for mortgage and housing-related expenses. The program is intended to address delinquency and avoid default, foreclosure or displacement.
The program is administered by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA).
Priority will be given to homeowners facing an imminent adverse action like a notice of foreclosure, sheriff sale or utility shut-off notice.
Legal Aid of Southeastern PA (LASP) may be able to help people with their applications in Bucks, Chester, Delaware & Montgomery counties. Helpline: 877-429-5994 Monday-Friday, or
More information:
Info + links on our News page:
Please beware of potential scams. Report fraud to
Bucks County housing resources
Bucks Emergency Rental Assistance (BERA) Program: or call 1-888-50-BUCKS. Tenants and landlords are encouraged to apply. LASP is one of the partners in this program.
Update from Bucks County Government: State and County Officials Urge Residents to Apply for Rental Assistance (Aug. 11, 2021)
Chester County housing resources
Chester County Emergency Rent and Utility Assistance Program
Need rental assistance? Call 211 and select prompt 2.
Tarde con el pago de la renta? Enfrentando un desalojo? Llame al 211.
Your first direct step to receive rental and/or utility assistance assistance in Chester County is to call the 211 system.
When the 211 system answers, press 2 on your telephone to indicate you are calling: "because you are homeless or experiencing a housing crisis."
You will be connected to a Resource Navigator who will determine basic eligibility.
You will be referred to one of the County’s Emergency Rental Assistance providers, who will contact you to begin the application process to provide you with assistance.
Resources in English: Flyer | Frequently asked questions | Applicant checklist
En espanol: Flyer - espanol | Lista de verificación del solicitant
Chester County Government announcement (April 8, 2021) about rental and utility assistance.
Chester County Eviction Prevention Court (EPC) Program. More information at the Friends’ Association website (click on Eviction Prevention Court).
Chester County Mobile Home Tax Reassessment Project
Mobile homes are overtaxed. Legal Aid of Southeastern PA and United Way of Chester County have partnered since 2019 to help Chester County mobile home owners apply for tax reassessments. The 2022 project is under way for free. Learn more at LASP’s project webpage: From 2019-2021, the project has helped 756 homeowners save $833 per home, per year, in taxes, or a combined 10-year savings of almost $10.7 million.
Chester County Partnership to End Homelessness
The Chester County Partnership to End Homelessness is a community-based collaborative of community-based agencies, local government, private and public organizations, nonprofits, philanthropic foundations, people with lived homelessness experience, faith communities, and the greater community.
The Partnership is committed to ending and preventing homelessness in Chester County. Its mission is to ensure that homelessness is a rare, brief, and one-time only experience for all Chester County residents. It is an independent initiative of the Chester County Department of Community Development.
Delaware County housing resources
Delaware County Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA)
Delaware County Emergency Rental Assistance opened March 26, 2021, at Call 484-729-4200, or e-mail
Community Action Agency of Delaware County (CAADC)
CAADC is the primary provider of emergency housing to homeless families and individuals in Delaware County. To prevent the loss of existing housing or to quickly re-house an already homeless household, qualified Delaware County residents can receive financial assistance to avoid eviction or to move into a new residence.
To apply for financial assistance, please visit the CAADC office at 1414 Meetinghouse Road, Boothwyn, PA 19061 for an assessment. Assessments are conducted Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. No appointment needed. CAADC also has COVID-related funding to help with rent and utility assistance (different funding than the ERA program listed above).
More information:
Legal Aid of Southeastern PA resource: How to File a Landlord and Tenant Appeal to Stop an Eviction in Delaware County, PA
If you are a tenant and want to appeal an eviction judgment and remain in your home, you must do so within 10 days of the Magisterial District Court Judge’s decision. 10 days includes weekends and holidays. All appeals must be filed in person at the Office of Judicial Support (OJS) located in the courthouse in Media at 201 W. Front St, Media, PA 19063.
LASP’s Regional Housing Unit has developed a “Pro Se Eviction Packet” to help you file your own appeal to stop an evicition in Delaware County. Download the 13-page packet here:
Delaware County First-Time Home Buyer’s Programs
Media Fellowship House: Home First Program
Can provide up to $5,000 in assistance Assistance limited to 2% of the sales price of the home
A minimum of $1,000 toward the purchase of the home must come from the borrower Eligible homes must be single family, residential, owner-occupied houses Applicants are required to secure a first mortgage
Maximum Sale Price: $214,000
Income limits
Must complete mortgage counseling program
Media Fellowship House: Money Match for Homebuyers Program
Matches the participants’ savings on a 2:1 basis by providing $4,000.00 when they save a total of $2,000
These funds are then used to help the participant pay their closing costs.
Can be combined with Home First Program where eligible.
Must have Earned Income
Net worth cannot exceed $10,000 (excludes 1 vehicle)
Income limits
Must complete mortgage counseling program
Upper Darby Township First-Time Homebuyer Program
Can provide up to $6,000 for closing costs to qualified buyers
Township assistance is based on the gap between the maximum amount a mortgagee will lend and total purchase price
Maximum Sale Price: $150,000
Funds only apply to vacant or owner occupied single family dwellings.
Must be located within Upper Darby Township
Property must meet federal lead-based paint requirements
All Borrowers must sign a mortgage agreement with the Township
Income limits
Chester Homebuyers Assistance Program (HAP)
Can provide up to $10,000 in down payment and closing assistance funds to purchase a home Home must be in the city of Chester
Must submit an application to the Chester Economic Development Authority
Income limits
Must complete mortgage counseling program
Montgomery County housing resources
Montgomery County: Your Way Home of Montgomery County’s Emergency Rent and Utility Coalition (ERUC):
Call Your Way Home by dialing 211, text your zip code to 898-211, OR contact any of the following six participating nonprofits directly:
ACLAMO: or call 610-277-2570 (Norristown area) or 610-970-2134 (Pottstown area).
Family Services of Montgomery County:, email, or call 610-630-2111, ext. 235. Application:
Manna on Main Street: or 215-855-5454.
Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities: or call 484-393-5441
YWCA of Montgomery County:
Norristown Emergency Rental, Mortgage, and Utility Assistance - Home Improvement Program (ERMUA) Clients can call 484-808-2112, email, or fill out an application online.
Pennsylvania resources for housing provides a page dedicated to housing:
Pennsylvania Emergency Rent [and Utility] Assistance Program (ERAP)
PA's Dept. of Human Services (DHS) website for the Emergency Rent [and Utility] Assistance Program (ERAP) is now open for applications.
Tenants can apply online through COMPASS or their county offices. (Visit the statewide list.)
Paper applications are available in seven languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Cambodian, Russian, and Vietnamese.
National resources for housing
Are you having difficulties getting your rental assistance application processed?
If you are having difficulties getting your rental assistance application processed, contact Legal Aid of Southeastern PA at 877-429-5994 Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or apply online 24/7 at Some of the rental assistance programs are backed up. Often, LASP or your local state representative's office can resolve the issue.
Legal Aid of Southeastern PA guide to upset tax sales
Is your property scheduled for an Upset Tax Sale? Contact Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania. LASP attorneys can advise you of your rights, negotiate on your behalf, and draft responsive pleadings to get you more time in the property. Apply for help by calling our Helpline at -877-429-5994 or apply online.
Impact stories
Preventing evictions and challenging pandemic price gouging
LASP represented Ms. W*, Ms. K*, and Ms. P*, all of whom were threatened with eviction from the residential hotel where they lived. Each paid $1,300/month to live in what was essentially a room. Ms. W and Ms. K both shared this space with children. The women were unable to do their regular jobs (child care, cleaning, restaurant work) because of COVID-19. They began to fall behind on their rent, but were relieved when they received stimulus checks. However, the hotel manager informed Ms. W that the rent was increasing from $1,300 to $2,300 immediately. The women were informed that they would be evicted if they did not pay, even though an eviction moratorium was in place. The manager told them he would call the police who would put them out on the street. The women had nowhere to go, and Ms. W’s daughter was sick. A LASP attorney informed the landlord of the eviction moratorium and indicated that LASP would oppose any attempt to evict them during the moratorium period. He also communicated with local police, who confirmed that they would not enforce an eviction without a court order. As courts were closed for eviction hearings, this nullified the threat made by the landlord. The attorney also contacted the Township Supervisor to inform him of the situation, and contacted the state Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, which had asked to be notified about any price gouging during the pandemic. The Attorney General’s office followed up on the threatened rent increase with a call from one of their attorneys, which ended demands for the enormous rent increase. The attorney continued negotiations with the manager, who eventually agreed that he would not attempt a self-help or other eviction during the moratorium. In addition to maintaining their housing at the hotel, LASP connected them with a variety of social services, including the rental assistance program in their county, to help them in finding more stable and more suitable housing.
*Name has been changed to protect confidentiality, but story is real.
Note: This story was published in LASP’s 2019-20 Annual Report.
Mortgage forbearance & Pandemic Unemployment Assistance programs help a CPR teacher save her home
Ms. R* had a job she loved, teaching emergency response classes. She helped people learn CPR so they could save lives. Her income allowed her to support herself and her children. However, when the pandemic hit, all her classes were cancelled. As a result, she quickly fell behind in her mortgage. To protect her home for herself and her children, she contacted LASP. A LASP Regional Housing Unit attorney told Ms. R about the mortgage forbearance program and advised her on an application. The attorney also determined that Ms. R was eligible for the new Pennsylvania Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program that covered contract workers and assisted Ms. R in filling out the application. Ms. R obtained unemployment compensation benefits and was able to become current on her mortgage and avoid foreclosure. As Pennsylvania reopens, she anticipates that she will again be teaching classes.
*Name has been changed to protect confidentiality, but story is real.
Note: This story was published in LASP’s 2019-20 Annual Report.
Facing eviction, a single mom receives help with unemployment compensation denial & rental assistance application
Ms. D* is a single mother raising three children. She lost her job in early March 2020 because of COVID-19 and had no income to support herself and her family. She filed for unemployment compensation (UC) and was turned down. She had fallen behind on her rent and, despite the moratorium on evictions, her landlord was threatening to evict her. She was referred to LASP by a community organization serving the Latinx community. Spanish is Ms. D’s primary language, so she was assisted by bilingual staff members. Her attorney informed Ms. D about a county rental assistance program and helped her fill out the application remotely. He also negotiated with the client’s landlord and got the landlord to sign the necessary agreements. He ascertained that the UC application had been denied because Ms. D had filled it out incorrectly. He helped her to fill it out properly, and she was approved. Ms. D is using her unemployment compensation benefits to purchase necessities for her family, including food and a crib for her youngest child.
*Name has been changed to protect confidentiality, but the story is real.
Note: This story was published in LASP’s 2019-20 Annual Report.