2024 Staff Retreat focuses on new and emerging advocacy and honors service
(July 3, 2024)
LASP staff and interns at the Staff Retreat at Elmwood Park Zoo in Norristown on June 28, 2024.
NORRISTOWN - LASP's Staff Retreat at Elmwood Park Zoo June 28, 2024 featured an interactive DEI discussion on trust, a staff panel highlighting innovative approaches within LASP, and a discussion of guaranteed income, which is being piloted in Philadelphia and around the state and country as another approach to helping people experiencing poverty.
Starting the morning session, Dr. Lina Richardson, Independent Education Consultant & Certified Life Coach, and Nick Bungard, Professional Learning Specialist for the School District of Philadelphia, discussed "Moving at the Speed of Trust," addressing equitable interactions through the lens of diversity, equity and inclusion.
In an afternoon session led by Chief Counsel Carolyn Johnson, staff panelists highlighted their work. The panel included Lisa Whalen, Pottstown Managing Attorney; Cassidy Heiserman, Staff Attorney based in Chester, Delaware County; Laurel Anderson, Community Engagement Staff Attorney based in Norristown and serving all four counties; and Randi Riefner, Paralegal based in Bristol.
To close the day, Will Hall discussed the Guaranteed Resources Optimize Wellbeing (GROW) pilot in Philadelphia to assist 50 recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Will is currently the Deputy Executive Director of Policy & Programs, Office of Community Employment & Opportunity, City of Philadelphia. GROW is one of several guaranteed income / universal basic income pilot projects currently under way in Pennsylvania.
Staff awards (see below for links to articles) were presented and service pins were distributed (stay tuned for more photos from awards and service pins).
On the lighter side, during lunch, staff had time to enjoy the zoo, which is celebrating its 100th year. A porcupine was a special guest at the retreat, and zoo staff shared habits, legend and lore about their resident friendly porcupine and dispelled long-held myths about the quilled creatures.
2024 Staff Awards
Articles about recipients of Staff Awards, including more information about each award, are available by clicking each staff member’s name.
Maryjane B. Kelley Award
Patricia Brooks Award
Rising Star Award
Service pins presented
Pins honoring staff members with 5-45+ years of service were presented at the staff retreat. Staff are pictured with Shawn Boehringer, Executive Director, and Carolyn Johnson, Chief Counsel.
5-year pins (5-9 years of service)
Richard A.J. Prebil (2nd from left), Kathryn M. Palladino, Guy Marinari, Kimberly Hollenback, Michelle R. Dempsky and Erika Becker. Missing: Karen Vogel.
10-year pins (10-14 years of service)
Erica Briant. Missing: Michael E. Kelley and Mitsue Shafer.
15-year pin (15-19 years of service)
Chris Walter.
20-year pin (20-24 years of service)
Carol Wilbur.
30-year pin (30-34 years of service)
Randi Riefner.
45-year pins (45-49 years of service)
Michelle R. Terry. Missing: Susan Rizzardi.
Further reading
5-year pins (5-9 years of service)
Richard A.J. Prebil (2nd from left), Kathryn M. Palladino, Guy Marinari, Kimberly Hollenback, Michelle R. Dempsky and Erika Becker. Missing: Karen Vogel.
10-year pins (10-14 years of service)
Erica Briant. Missing: Michael E. Kelley and Mitsue Shafer.
15-year pin (15-19 years of service)
Chris Walter.
30-year pin (30-34 years of service)
Randi Riefner.
45-year pins (45-49 years of service)
Michelle R. Terry. Missing: Susan Rizzardi.
Note: Website photos have reduced file size to improve page speed. For full-sized (better quality) photos, please see LASP’s Staff Retreat Flickr album.