Daniel Cortes of LASP named to PA Bar Association 2020-21 Bar Leadership Institute
Daniel Cortes, Community Engagement Staff Attorney, Legal Aid of Southeastern PA (LASP)
(July 31, 2020) HARRISBURG—Daniel Cortes, Community Engagement Staff Attorney, is one of 18 Pennsylvania lawyers named to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s 2020-21 Bar Leadership Institute (BLI). He is among three attorneys representing Montgomery County.
LASP pro bono volunteer Mariam W. Ibrahim also was named to the Institute, representing Bucks County. She is an attorney with Antheil Maslow & MacMinn in Doylestown.
Pennsylvania Bar Association President David E. Schwager made the announcement June 11. “Each BLI class member this year has a unique, diverse background and perspective along with new ideas and goals for the future to help shape the association,” said Schwager.
To apply for the BLI, candidates had to demonstrate leadership ability, commit to attend and participate in the required events, be currently licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania, be a PBA member, and be age 40 years or younger or have practiced five years or less.
Full story: https://www.pabar.org/site/News-and-Publications/News/News-Releases/2020/June/2020-21-BLI-Class